Credit cards offer many advantages. There is the convenience of being able to buy needed items now and the security of not having to carry cash. You also receive fraud protection and in some cases rewards for making purchases. With these advantages also come responsibilities. You need to manage credit cards wisely by understanding all...
Saving is about putting a small portion of your income aside for future use. The key benefit from saving is that it helps us to achieve our financial goals in life but most importantly it helps to ease the bumps and provides a “cushion” when emergencies strike. For this article, we will focus on emergencies,...
The consequences can be devastating when your private financial information gets into the wrong hands. Yet there are many ways you can help protect yourself on a daily basis, from taking precautions while online to checking your credit report periodically. It is important that you act quickly if you fall victim to identity theft. Contacting...
Consumers often ask whether debit or credit cards provide greater consumer protection against fraud. The question itself indicates a few key preconceived notions about fraud as it relates to personal finance. As a consumer it’s important to know that: You aren’t liable for unauthorised purchases. All major credit and debit card issuers provide $0 liability...
If you’re in debt, you’re not alone. Sometimes it’s hard to know – or admit – if you have a problem with debt. It can be overwhelming to realise you’re in over your head, and to worry you won’t be able to pay back what you owe. The key to getting out of your situation...
Are you out of your debt comfort zone? Does it seem as though you’re paying too much to bill collectors and not enough for savings and the things you enjoy in life? If so, it’s a good idea to figure out just how much debt you have and compare that to how much you earn....
Frequent calls from debt collectors are a sign you have debt problem. If this is the case, it’s time to get proactive. Talk to your creditors as soon as possible. You might be incurring additional charges while you wait. Or they might be willing to change your interest rate and save you money. Here are...
To get a glimpse of your financial future, many businesses look at your financial past. This history is contained in your credit report. Your credit report determines things like whether you qualify for a loan and the rate you’ll pay on that loan. What Is a Credit History? Your credit history is a financial profile....
When you apply for credit, lenders determine your credit risk by examining your credit scores. Here are some of the ways you can maintain a high credit score: Complete credit applications carefully and accurately. Use your credit cards responsibly and don’t let them reach their limit or spend beyond your means. Attempt to pay your...
Your credit score is a measure of factors that may affect your ability to repay credit. It’s a complex formula that takes into account how you’ve repaid previous loans, any outstanding debt, and your current salary. A credit score is dynamic and can change positively or negatively depending upon how much debt you accrue and...