How can something so small cause such a major upheaval in your life? Not the least of this upheaval is financial. But just as you find the extra time and energy you will need to take care of the little bundle of consuming joy, you will find ways to work it out financially. Planning for...
Your financial picture changes drastically when your baby is born. Now it’s more important than ever to create, maintain and stick to a budget. You now have someone depending on you to keep the family financial matters in order. A well-thought-out budget will be your most valuable tool in managing the family money. If you...
A caregiver is more than a babysitter for your child. The caregiver will take part in some of the earliest development and education your child will receive. For that reason, choosing childcare can be a hard decision. Childcare can be one of the largest costs of raising a child. So the choice often comes down...
A divorce can be one of the most difficult experiences a person ever faces. The emotional impact ending a relationship is difficult enough, but the financial and lifestyle changes that result can be just as traumatic. For most people, divorce is the biggest financial transaction they ever face. If you’re reading this but not going...
A divorce can be costly if you hire a lawyer. And if it turns into a court battle, legal fees can get very expensive very quickly. Cutting Costs The biggest step in reducing legal fees is to do as much of the work as you can. Gather as much financial information as you can before...
You need to know what you and your spouse are worth together and what you’re worth on your own. It sounds like a big job but it comes down to a simple equation: Net Worth = Assets – Liabilities. It does get a little more complicated. There are three categories of assets: • Joint Assets...
A house is often seen as more than an asset. It’s where you live. You may have put a lot of hard work into making the house feel like home. It can be a difficult choice to give that up during a divorce. Can You Afford To Keep It? Make sure it makes financial sense...
Marriage is the coming together of two lives and two separate financial histories and situations. And while your financial history may continue to influence your finances now, you’re also facing a lifetime of money-related experiences and decisions together. The key to success is preparing yourself and your spouse to handle the unexpected, while also learning...
Weddings are expensive and the event runs the risk of burdening couples with relationship-crippling debt for years to come. Here are a few tips for planning a memorable yet affordable wedding: • Develop a budget, prioritising the parts of the wedding that are most important to you and your spouse-to-be; then cut back on expenses...
The practicality of day-to-day life together begins once the wedding is over. In addition to dividing household responsibilities, couples will also need to determine who will pay the bills, track , review bank statements and more. Although it’s not necessary to assign each task to one partner, it is critical to have a system in...